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lets talk politics, well not you ME

What would you say if I sang out of tune?  I guess I can only say this. the same Democrats who want to remove President Biden have been supporting him for four years. He has not changed much in four years, he is still stumbling bumbling Biden. I do believe the Chinese created COVID-19. I believe it was a conspiracy of some kind, what kind, how the hell am I supposed to know, just a southern California-raised Eskimo, who thought he was a white man most of his life? I do know COVID showed how inept a government can be. hairdressers were vital. to what?  I hated the control exerted during COVID-19. This to me was a step towards communism. I am not saying it is bad; it is just what it is. when they try to take our guns. then you know it’s a coup. However, is it better or worse than having a dictator, Putin?  we are lost in space. they should show the quality of life in China, and Russia. that we can see. I’m not sure, but I could really use some trickle-down these days, been only getting pissed on by fellow cheap Americans, almost some foreigners too, but they were way too cheap. What is the theme of Trump? AMERICANS and AMERICA first, not second or third. billions to Ukraine, what about billions to Amerika?

By |July 19th, 2024|
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